Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Arkansas - day 1

It's 4 pm. I'm sitting in the dining room at my dad's house. I just got home from my job interview. I'll be working 8 - 5 Monday through Friday-one Saturday a month.

Living in Arkansas is new to me. I'm used to only being here for a few weeks. This time, I'll be here for a few months. I wanted to do this so I could spend time with my dad. He's been in a different state since I was about 9.. so more than half my life I've only seen my dad a few weeks every year. It's been hard.. not having my dad there when I went to school dances or seeing him in the audience when I sang my solos.

I'm getting married next year. So this summer was my last chance to spend this time with my dad. My fiance has made it clear that he doesn't like my decision to live in Arkansas. He wanted me to come back before I even left. But we have our entire lives together; my dad and I will never live in the same state.. probably even after he retires.

I am excited to see what God has in store for me this summer. I have made a few summer resolutions including:

1- Get to know God a little bit better
2- Get to know myself
3- lose 10 to 15 pounds.
(before you say ANYTHING about my weight loss, I just want to get toned, the scale is just a way to measure it... I'm also keeping track of inches and BMI)
(also, don't say, "shut up lindsey! you are skinny! blahdiblah!" It doesn't matter how you perceive me, it's how I perceive me. If you have an issue with the way I see myself, keep it to yourself! and get your own butt into shape!! -end rant-)

I don't really have much else to say for now. I'm sure LOTS more will come later :)

keep me in your prayers and thoughts; I'll do the same for you!!


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